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When the motorcycle starts, is it the first clutch or the first throttle? The correct steps tell you



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When the motorcycle starts, is it the first clutch or the first throttle? The correct steps tell you

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When the motorcycle starts, is it the first clutch or the first throttle? The correct steps tell you! People's living standards have a particularly big improvement, so every household has bought their own private car. The car is not only able to enjoy life, but also to us, it also brings a special Convenience, when there was no car before, we often saw motorcycles in the streets, like Yamaha, Suzuki, Haojue, these are the brands of motorcycles we can see on the street, in that At that time, if there is a motorcycle, it is really a special pride. Life is definitely very good. Traveling is also more convenient, but now the motorcycle is slowly disappearing, especially in some urban and rural areas. It is also able to see the figure of a motorcycle.
There are also many people nowadays. They like motorcycles very much. They don't know such an operation. That is, when the motorcycle starts to loosen or first step on the throttle, this step is really a special key. Today, I will tell you the correct steps. As long as we have done this step, we can start easily.
Before the motorcycle starts, we have to repeatedly grasp the handle of the clutch, so that the preventer does not cause heavy weight. When the motorcycle starts, we must use the appropriate method to hang the low gear, and finally slowly in the left hand. Relax, clutch the right hand to slowly grip the throttle handle, so slowly loosen, add a throttle after a little clutch, then the motorcycle will slowly move forward, stop, we The clutch started until the throttle, so that the motorcycle was safe to start.
When the motorcycle starts to loosen, if you find that the engine has a tendency to stall, then we will increase the strength of the throttle at this time. In this case, it is also to prevent the engine from stalling. In fact, at that time, the definition of the motorcycle was really It’s not clear at all, no matter whether it’s a motor vehicle or a non-motor vehicle. In fact, there are not many regulations and penalties for electric vehicles. So when the motorcycle is on the road, it’s really rampant. Now the motorcycle is driving on the road. At that time, they still ignored the rules. Later, because of the series of vicious effects of motorcycles and the constant occurrence of traffic accidents, the traffic police had to prohibit the motorcycles from driving on the road, and it has been ten years since then. The ban on motorcycles, but there are also a lot of netizens now, they all call for the lifting of the ban, because they want to ride the motorcycle again.